Administration Analytics
The Administration services market currently shows modest growth, with average monthly revenue of $513 and 15 orders per month per seller. With an average service price of $34, this represents a small but steady market segment. The +1.18% revenue growth and +1.72% sales volume growth indicate slow but positive momentum. Competition is notably intense, with 169 active sellers competing for a 0.01% market share. The high competition score of 93.06 suggests that new sellers should carefully consider their entry strategy. Revenue ranges from $160 to $957 monthly, showing significant variation in seller success rates. The total historical sales of 888 orders indicate an established but not oversaturated market. Looking ahead, the declining overall trend combined with positive growth rates suggests a market that's consolidating around successful sellers. New entrants may find opportunities by focusing on specialized administrative services or targeting underserved customer segments, particularly given that no sellers currently hold PRO verification status.