AI Integrations Analytics
The AI Integrations market shows steady growth with average monthly revenue of $1.78K per seller and a moderate +0.33% growth rate. With an average service price of $162 and 11 monthly orders per seller, this represents a stable income opportunity. The total market includes 1.41K active sellers serving a customer base that has generated 2.14K total historical orders. Competition is notably intense with a score of 99.38, suggesting the market is approaching saturation. However, the consistent growth in both revenue (+0.33%) and sales volume (+0.52%) indicates ongoing demand. The market share of +0.18% and PRO verification rate of just +0.01% suggest room for professional sellers to differentiate themselves through higher-quality offerings. Looking ahead, the AI integrations market is likely to maintain its steady growth as more businesses seek to automate their operations. While competition will remain high, sellers who can offer specialized solutions or target underserved niches may find opportunities. The price range of $1.06K to $2.48K monthly revenue indicates potential for scaling, particularly for sellers who can establish expertise in specific integration types or industry verticals.