AI Video Art Analytics
The AI Video Art market currently generates $5.94K in monthly revenue with steady growth of +2.08%. With an average service price of $58.00 and 103 monthly orders, this represents a small but stable market opportunity. The category holds a +0.79% market share globally, ranking #110 across all categories. Competition is notably intense, with 1.38K active sellers offering 2.42K services competing for business. The high competition score of 95.96 suggests that new sellers should focus on differentiation and niche specialization rather than competing on price alone. The stable growth trend and total historical sales of 5.05K orders indicate consistent demand for these services. Looking ahead, the steady +2.08% growth rate in both revenue and sales volume suggests continued market expansion, though at a measured pace. The price range of $2.88K to $9.92K shows room for both budget and premium service offerings. For sellers entering this market, the key opportunity lies in identifying underserved specialties within AI video art while maintaining competitive pricing around the $58.00 average price point. The high seller count suggests that success will require strong portfolio development and clear service differentiation.