Grant Proposals Analytics
The Grant Proposals market generates $19.34K in monthly revenue with steady growth of +1.63%, making it the #46 ranked category globally. With an average service price of $112.00 and 172 monthly orders, this represents a stable market opportunity. The category holds a +0.93% market share and has accumulated 10.7K total historical sales. Competition is notably intense, with 2.52K active sellers offering 3.62K services competing for business. The high competition score of 95.51 suggests sellers need to clearly differentiate their offerings to stand out. Despite the crowded marketplace, the consistent growth in both revenue and sales volume indicates sustained demand for grant writing services. The market shows potential for continued steady expansion, supported by stable pricing and order volumes. New sellers may find opportunities by targeting specific grant types or industries, though they'll need to establish strong credibility given the professional nature of the service. The revenue range of $9.52K to $36.84K monthly suggests that successful sellers can build significant income streams, particularly by developing expertise in high-value grant proposals.