LinkedIn Profiles Analytics
LinkedIn Profile Services Market Summary The LinkedIn Profiles market currently generates average monthly revenue of $285 per seller, with service prices typically ranging from $150 to $378. With 1,150 active sellers competing for around 7 orders per month each, this represents a highly competitive space. The average service price of $41 suggests most offerings are entry-level profile optimizations rather than comprehensive career services. The market shows concerning signs with minimal growth (0.01% in revenue, 0.03% in sales volume) and extremely high competition (99.48 competition score). While the total historical sales of 22,100 orders indicates established demand, the declining trend and saturated seller pool suggest this may not be an attractive market for new entrants. Looking ahead, sellers may need to differentiate through specialization (like industry-specific profiles) or bundle services to command higher prices above the current $41 average. The very low PRO verification rate also presents an opportunity for sellers to stand out through professional credentials and premium positioning.