Marketing Plans Analytics
The Marketing Plans category currently generates $2.82K in average monthly revenue per seller, with services priced around $188. While the category holds a modest 0.58% market share globally (ranked #177), both revenue and sales are showing minimal growth at under 1% (+0.08% and +0.11% respectively). Competition is notably intense with a 99.10 score, as 1,370 active sellers compete for approximately 15 monthly orders per seller. The total market has accumulated 13,150 historical sales, but the current trend is declining despite the slight positive growth rates. Only a small fraction (0.05%) of the 1,640 available services are PRO verified, suggesting room for quality differentiation. For sellers considering this market, the high competition and declining trend suggest focusing on specialization or premium offerings might be more viable than competing on price. With monthly revenue ranging from $1.25K to $4.16K, successful sellers are likely those who can capture the upper end of this range through unique value propositions or by targeting specific niches within the broader marketing plans category. The low PRO verification rate also presents an opportunity for sellers willing to invest in professional credentials to stand out.