Miscellaneous Analytics
The Miscellaneous category shows promising growth despite its relatively small current market size. With average monthly revenue of $165 and a healthy growth rate of +3.88%, sellers are seeing steady improvement in earnings. The average service price of $14 appears to be finding good market acceptance, generating about 12 orders per month per seller. Competition is notably intense with a score of 25.75, though the market currently supports only 4 active sellers. This suggests both opportunity and challenge - while there's room for new entrants, they'll need to differentiate effectively. The consistent growth in both revenue (+3.88%) and sales volume (+4.62%) indicates sustainable market expansion. With total historical sales of 272 orders, the category has proven viability while still having room to grow. Looking ahead, the strong growth metrics suggest this niche could become more valuable, especially for sellers who establish themselves early and build a strong reputation. The current revenue range of $105 to $608 monthly shows the potential for meaningful earnings, particularly for sellers who can capture a larger share of this growing market.