Other Analytics
Here's a practical market summary for the Other category: This niche market currently has 99 active sellers offering 109 services, with an average service price of $136. While the market share is minimal at under 1%, the low competition intensity suggests room for new entrants. The category has generated 264 total historical orders, indicating steady but modest demand. The market shows stability rather than strong growth, with relatively low competition among existing sellers. None of the current services are PRO verified, which could present an opportunity for sellers to differentiate themselves through professional certification. Given the stable trends and low competition scores, this category could be suitable for sellers looking to establish themselves in a less crowded space, particularly if they can offer specialized or premium services that justify the above-average pricing point of $136. Note: Due to limited revenue and growth data available, sellers should conduct additional research before entering this market. Consider testing different price points and service offerings to find the optimal positioning within this developing category.