Pitch Decks Analytics
The Pitch Decks market currently shows modest activity, with 473 active sellers generating an average monthly revenue of $30 per seller. With an average service price of $10 and typical monthly sales of 3 orders per seller, this represents a small but established niche within the broader freelance marketplace. The category holds a 0.17% market share and has accumulated 9,360 total historical orders. The market is experiencing high competition (99.56 competition score) and showing signs of saturation, with minimal growth in both revenue (+0.02%) and sales volume (+0.03%). Current revenue ranges from $30 to $150 monthly per seller, suggesting that while some providers are finding success, most operate at the lower end of the earnings spectrum. Only a very small percentage of sellers have achieved PRO verification, indicating room for quality differentiation. Looking ahead, sellers entering this market should focus on specialization or premium positioning to stand out among the numerous competitors. While the overall trend is declining, opportunities may exist for those who can offer unique value or target specific industry niches. The low average price point of $10 suggests potential for upward pricing movement for high-quality, differentiated services.