Poetry Analytics
The Poetry category generates average monthly revenue of $2.28K, with individual sellers earning between $495 and $6.08K per month. The average service price stands at $48, with about 48 orders processed monthly across the category. While the market maintains a steady presence with 19.2K total historical sales, current growth rates are modest at +0.15% for revenue and +0.25% for sales volume. Competition is notably intense, with 1.85K active sellers offering 2.39K services in this space. The high competition score of 98.05 suggests the market is saturated, making it challenging for new sellers to stand out. The category's small market share of +0.09% and declining trend indicate sellers should focus on specialization or unique offerings to capture customer attention. The absence of significant PRO verified services could present an opportunity for sellers willing to invest in professional credentials to differentiate themselves. Looking ahead, the Poetry category appears to be stabilizing at its current size rather than showing strong growth potential. Successful sellers will likely need to either target specific niches within poetry or combine their services with complementary offerings to maintain sustainable revenue. The relatively high average price point of $48 suggests customers value quality and specialized expertise in this category.