Poster Design Analytics
The Poster Design market currently generates $17.47K in monthly revenue with an average service price of $27.00. While showing minimal growth (+0.19% revenue, +0.40% sales), the market maintains steady activity with 722 monthly orders and has accumulated 180.11K total historical sales. The market is highly competitive, with 8.61K active sellers offering 11.16K services, resulting in a high competition score of 93.99. This saturation suggests sellers need to differentiate themselves to stand out, particularly since the category shows a declining trend despite its #78 global ranking. The small market share (+0.01%) indicates both challenges and opportunities for specialized offerings. Looking ahead, the stable average price point of $27.00 and consistent monthly orders suggest a mature market with established customer expectations. Sellers might find success by focusing on niche poster design segments or bundling services to increase value proposition, rather than competing solely on price. While growth is modest, the regular order volume indicates reliable demand for quality poster design services, particularly for those who can establish a unique market position.