Screencasting Videos Analytics
The Screencasting Videos market currently generates average monthly revenue of $1.82K, with services priced around $57 on average. While the market shows modest growth (+0.15% in revenue and +0.23% in sales), it faces intense competition with 331 active sellers competing for approximately 32 orders per month. The market's high competition score of 94.34 and relatively low total revenue suggest this is a challenging space for new sellers. Current sellers are splitting a small pie, with monthly revenues ranging from $895 to $3.33K. The total historical sales of 13.73K orders indicate established demand, but the declining trend and 0% market share suggest limited room for expansion under current conditions. Looking ahead, sellers might find opportunities by specializing in unique niches or bundling screencasting with complementary services to stand out in the crowded market. With 528 active services being offered, differentiation will be key to capturing market share. The modest growth rates suggest stability rather than expansion, making this market better suited for experienced sellers with established clients rather than new entrants looking for rapid growth.