Scriptwriting Analytics
The Scriptwriting market currently generates around $7,750 in monthly revenue, with services averaging $77 per order and 100 orders per month. While the market holds a small 0.01% market share globally (ranking #145), it has established a significant historical base of over 126,000 completed orders. The market faces intense competition with 4,740 active sellers offering 7,330 services, resulting in a very high competition score of 98.67. Growth is minimal but stable, with revenue increasing by 0.06% and sales volume by 0.08%. This suggests a mature market that's reaching saturation, though consistent demand continues to support existing sellers. For new sellers considering this market, the wide revenue range ($2,860 to $14,450 monthly) indicates opportunities still exist for those who can differentiate themselves. The presence of only 0.02% PRO-verified sellers suggests a potential advantage for highly qualified professionals who can command premium rates. Going forward, success in this market will likely depend on specialization in specific script types or industries, rather than competing on price in the general scriptwriting space.