Vocals Analytics
Here's a practical market summary for the Vocals category: The Vocals market currently has 238 active sellers generating average monthly revenue of $218, with services priced around $22. While the category holds a 0.19% market share globally (#348), it shows modest growth with revenue increasing by 0.04% and sales volume growing by 0.10% monthly. The market currently processes about 10 orders per month per seller, with total historical sales reaching 10,310 orders. The market faces intense competition (96.61 competition score) and shows signs of saturation. With 282 active services and only 0.01% being PRO verified, there's an opportunity for sellers to differentiate themselves through professional certification or specialized offerings. Revenue typically ranges from $155 to $329 monthly, suggesting that while the market is competitive, sellers who can stand out may capture higher earnings. Given the current trends, success in this market will likely depend on developing unique vocal offerings or targeting specific niches rather than competing in the general market.