App & Website Previews Analytics
Here's a practical market summary for App & Website Previews: The App & Website Previews market currently generates around $2.16K in monthly revenue per seller, with services averaging $108 per order. While the market shows modest growth (+0.03% in revenue and +0.07% in sales), it faces intense competition with 744 active sellers competing for approximately 20 orders per month each. The total market has accumulated 30.75K historical orders, indicating established demand for these services. The high competition score of 98.05 and declining overall trend suggest this is a challenging market to enter right now. However, the wide revenue range ($835 to $2.92K monthly) indicates opportunities for sellers who can differentiate themselves. With only 0.01% of services being PRO verified, there may be room for premium, high-quality offerings that stand out from the crowd. Sellers considering this market should focus on specialized niches or innovative preview formats that help them avoid direct competition with established providers.