Fundraising Analytics
The Fundraising services market currently shows modest activity, with 774 active sellers generating average monthly revenues of $585. The typical service price point is $59, resulting in around 10 orders per month per seller. While the market maintains a small but stable +0.01% market share, competition is notably intense with a score of 99.01 out of 100. The market displays mixed signals, with slight positive growth in both revenue (+0.04%) and sales volume (+0.11%), despite an overall declining trend. Total historical sales of 9,160 orders suggest an established but challenging market. Current sellers face high competition, with 990 active services competing for business, and only a small percentage achieving PRO verification. Looking ahead, the tight competitive landscape and modest growth rates suggest sellers should focus on differentiation and niche specialization to stand out. New entrants may find better opportunities by targeting underserved segments or bundling fundraising services with complementary offerings, given the current revenue range of $290 to $705 per month shows room for pricing optimization and service expansion.