Budgeting & Forecasting Analytics
Market Summary - Budgeting & Forecasting Services The Budgeting & Forecasting market currently ranks #312 globally, generating average monthly revenue of $250 per seller. With 582 active sellers offering 708 services, the average service price stands at $125, and sellers typically complete 2 orders per month. The market has achieved total historical sales of 7,600 orders, showing modest growth of +0.03% in both revenue and sales volume. This is a highly competitive space, with a competition intensity score of 99.72 out of 100. The market share of +0.09% and minimal growth rates suggest a mature, potentially saturated market. Current revenue ranges from $250 to $270 monthly, indicating relatively stable pricing but limited room for premium positioning. The small percentage of PRO-verified sellers (+0.01%) suggests an opportunity for professional sellers to differentiate themselves in this crowded market. Going forward, success in this category will likely depend on specialization, superior service quality, and finding underserved niches within the broader budgeting and forecasting space.