Design Advice Analytics
Here's a practical market summary for Design Advice: The Design Advice market currently shows modest activity with 744 active sellers generating an average monthly revenue of $357 per seller. With an average service price of $36 and around 10 orders per month per seller, the market maintains steady but small-scale operations. The total historical sales of 8,340 orders indicate established demand, though the current global ranking of #244 suggests room for growth. The market is highly competitive with a competition score of 98.92, making it challenging for new entrants. However, there are positive indicators with small but consistent growth rates: +0.12% in sales volume and +0.07% in revenue. While these growth rates are modest, they suggest the market is stable rather than declining significantly. For sellers considering this space, the revenue range of $185 to $521 per month provides a realistic expectation of potential earnings. The low PRO verification rate (+0.03%) indicates an opportunity for sellers to differentiate themselves through professional certification and higher-quality offerings.