Personal Growth & Hobbies Analytics
The Personal Growth & Hobbies market generates $147,742 in monthly revenue and ranks #8 globally with 2% market share. The category shows strong growth at 31% revenue increase and 37% sales volume growth, despite high competition among 45,247 active sellers. The average service price of $34 remains stable, with monthly orders reaching 4,511 across 84,738 available services. This market faces intense competition (95/100 competitive score), with most sellers offering about two services each. While the total historical sales of 1.2 million orders demonstrate sustained demand, the current average of 0.1 orders per seller per month suggests a saturated market. The negative revenue trajectory, despite growing order volumes, indicates potential pricing pressure and the need for service differentiation. The combination of high growth rates and strong competition points to ongoing market expansion, particularly in specialized niches. Sellers entering this space should focus on unique offerings or underserved segments, as the basic market appears saturated. The low percentage of PRO gigs (0.04%) suggests an opportunity for premium services that can command higher prices and stand out in this crowded marketplace.