Arts & Crafts Analytics
Arts & Crafts Market Summary The Arts & Crafts market currently generates $10.42K in monthly revenue, with an average service price of $52.00. While showing modest growth (+0.49% in revenue and +0.57% in sales), the market faces high competition with 2.85K active sellers competing for approximately 221 monthly orders. The category holds a small but stable market share of +0.05%, ranking #102 globally. The market's high competition score of 95.06 and declining trend suggest challenging conditions for new entrants. However, the wide revenue range ($6K to $22.88K monthly) indicates opportunities for sellers who can differentiate themselves. With total historical sales of 38.84K orders and 4.21K active services, there's room for specialized offerings that stand out from standard options. Given the current trends, successful sellers will likely need to focus on unique crafts, premium positioning, or niche markets to capture higher-value orders and overcome the competitive pressure. I have an idea that might help - want me to explain how it could work?